How To Make the End of School Memorable

*This is a guest post by author Diane Johnson

As the school year winds to a close, children and parents get excited for the approaching relaxation and fun of summertime. With visions of swimming pools and popsicles, who wouldn't look forward to the end of school? But before you pack up the backpacks and school supplies for good, take a moment to help make your child's end of school time a cherished memory by making it special!

1 Minute Reasons to Smile

Need a reason to smile? Watch this one minute movie...then go do something that makes you smile!

Scene behind the house I grew up in.

Enjoy this moment...and smile.

An Authentic Opinion Comes from a Place of Love

Love embraces and comforts. Judgement constricts and condemns.

People grow up forming opinions of right and wrong in the world. When someone forms an opinion without understanding what they believe, the opinion can turn into a judgement. This limits their capacity be open and loving and restricts their ability to receive love too, because it blocks the way to connect more fully with others.

Be conscious of your opinions and understand why you have them. Ensure they come from an authentic place.

For example, Barbara, 49 and a mother to two teenage girls, moved to a beautiful suburban street with well kept lawns except for one property. She and her next-door neighbors scorned the person who lived among the dandelions and bare-patched lawn. One day she observed an ambulance in their driveway. When she walked over, curious about the emergency, a young lady came out.

“Is everything ok?” Barbara asked.

“It will be. My mother has been living here for years and as she gets older she can’t care for herself so easily. Unfortunately I live out of town and don’t visit as often as I’d like. Once the doctors make sure she’s ok, I’ll move her to a residential home closer to my house. In the meantime, my brother will come over and tidy up her place. Her biggest heartache is she can’t garden anymore.”

Barbara felt awful. Not only had she not bothered to check on her neighbor, but she had judged her based on the state of her lawn.

By passing judgement, we limit the potential to express ourselves completely and we fail to perceive the full expression of others. We also miss out on opportunities to meet wonderful people.

Barbara offered to help the neighbor’s son do some weeding to clean up the front yard and, fortunately, forgave herself for her judgment. She resolved to know more in the future before forming a strong opinion.

The next time you feel yourself forming an opinion, ask yourself which root belief it is tied to. Ensure it comes from an authentic place within and serves to increase love in the world.

Visualize Success in 1 Minute

Last week I showed you my first Mind Movie to help visualize success. That one was three minutes.

My next one, called Celebrate Success, is one minute long.

Access it here on YouTube


Can You Get There from Here? 3 Keys to Getting Unstuck

Guest post by Angie Dixon

I just connected with a cousin of mine on Facebook, which reminded me of a funny story. When I was eight or so, my parents and I went to visit this (much older) cousin in West Monroe, Louisiana. Then we planned to visit my (also much older) sister in Conway, Arkansas. That’s not the funny part.

The funny part is that my mother called my sister, Sandy, to ask the best route. Seeing that Sandy had lived in central Arkansas for years, everyone thought she’d know the best way to get there coming from Louisiana, in general. And of course they thought she’d get out a map.

What she said, though, was, “You can’t get here from there.”

And she meant it.