How to Save a Marriage

By Leigh Harris

“The most important thing a father can do for his children is to love their mother.”
~ Theodore Hesburgh

In the past month I found out that three marriages of close friends are in trouble.

When I heard about the first one, a husband who recently left his marriage, I cried. It seemed worse than death. With death there is love. With separation or divorce, there is often anger, despair and fear.

I found out about the next one, a marriage in trouble for the second time (that I know of), and I felt sad. They had tried to improve a trouble spot, but it seems they fell backwards again. Why aren’t they holding on for dear life? I asked myself.

By the time I heard about the third one, however, I felt resignation. Or at least I didn’t feel as shocked. I suppose when you hear about something repeatedly, it no longer surprises you.

... read the full post, please connect to my guest post on Think Simple Now. 


  1. It is always sad when a marriage fails especially when children are involved.

  2. I agree. That is difficult, isn't it?
