Characteristics of an Indigo Child by Carol Lawrence

Carol, of Intentional Conscious Parenting, succinctly describes an Indigo Child.

Carol also has an active blogfrog community. Perhaps you can connect to her there and discuss: Does your child have Indigo characteristics? Or you can leave a comment below. We'd love to hear from you.

Namaste, Leigh

Filling in the Gap Between Success and Failure

by Sally Marks

There is a unit of time that does not have an official name, but it is a crucial link between success and failure. It is the time between “wanting to do something” and actually doing it. As a youngster, this time period was often prefaced by, “When I’m a grown up.” Later it evolved to “When the kids grow up” or “When I have more time”.

I’ve always been pretty good at meeting deadlines, at least as an adult. I have all my unforgiving journalism professors to thank for that. But when it comes to unofficial deadlines, the game can get a bit trickier. After all, life doesn’t always come with the motivation of a good grade, or the threat of a nasty editor.

I don’t like to think of myself as lazy, or even as someone who procrastinates (more on that later – ha ha). Yet, life threw me a little reminder that I could turn my refrain for “I’ll do it another day” to a life of sloth if I didn’t change a few habits.

A case in point.

I had feng shui practitioner Lisa Montgomery perform her skills and knowledge to enhance and increase the positive qui of my home. One of the cures to prevent negative energy from hitting my happy abode included placing a bagua (a yellow, wooden, octagon with a mirror in the center) over my garage door. The street comes to a T right in front of our driveway, and that can throw a bit of negative vibes our way. This little bagua has been perched in its location for quite some time. Then one day we had a nasty wind storm and the bagua, like Humpty Dumpty, had a big fall. Fortunately nothing was broken. All I had to do was put it back up on its little perch.

How to Feel Fear, Then Respond with Calm - The New Food Safety Act

I almost made a mistake today. Ok, I probably make mistakes every day, but this one was wrapped up in fear and overreaction.

I read a facebook post about the new Food Safety Act. I became afraid. The post provided a link which led me to believe I wouldn't be able to buy some vitamins after the Act went into effect. If I believed the post, it also seemed as if all organic farms, seeds and backyard gardens would be  in jeopardy. No vitamins? No organic backyard gardens? An outrage! Imagine only being able to consume mass manufactured / grown / modified foods. It is simply too Big Brother horrible to imagine.

Unfortunately, I continued to read the comments under the article. "How can the government do this?" I thought, as I read on and on. My heart raced. I noticed my own fear building.

I then made a mistake. I posted the link on my facebook profile, without research. Reaction without foresight or calm.

How could I have dealt with my fear?

Intentions Can Manifest Through Effort and Focus

We all have a purpose in life, and the steps to fulfill it can change from year to year. However, purpose is what gives us the drive to succeed, the target to aim for, the push forward when we hit a rut. When we know we are on the right path, it feels right, and sometimes the universe lets us know it IS right.

My primary goal is writing. It is my new year's resolution, my target, my purpose.

After a couple months of fairly dedicated writing, I started to notice the synchronicities. These are, in my belief, the checkmark from the universe. "Yep, you got it!" "That was the right step." Sometimes the synchronicities relate to my actual writing, and sometimes they simply indicate my power of intention (or law of attraction) is going in the right direction.